A journey into art, history and good food
Tortoreto – Nereto – Campli
Auto: 40 minutes
Moto: 40 minutes
Bike: 2 hours

Distance 30 Km – Duration 1 day
If after a morning at the beach you want to immerse yourself in history, art and traditional cuisine, set off on a journey to reach the wonderful villages of Nereto and Campli.

Starting from Tortoreto it is possible to reach Nereto, a suggestive village rich in history, architectural and religious testimonies. Around the year one thousand the Benedictines settled in the area, and the monks began to spread the cult of San Martino, patron saint, by building a church in his honor. There is also evidence of the presence in Nereto of the Abruzzese poet Gabriele D’Annunzio, who most likely went to the place to meet a young and beautiful local noble. Nereto is surrounded by nature and it is possible to organize trips and excursions in the beautiful natural environment that surrounds it. Excellent wine, ancient culinary tradition, are other peculiarities of this small village. Traditional dishes such as Turkey alla Neretese and Goat alla Neretese, as well as being cooked with passion and unique taste, have obtained the recognition of “Typical Abruzzese dishes”.

After Nereto it is possible to reach Campli, a village linked to ancient origins, where its maximum splendor was reached in the Middle Ages, when the Farnese family ruled. The streets of the ancient village watch over the most important monuments such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria di Platea, the National Archaeological Museum and the Palazzo Farnese. A monument of historical importance is the Scala Santa, composed of 28 steps in olive wood, flanked by paintings representing the Passion of Christ, built in 1776 on the occasion of the Jubilee. The faithful had to walk down the Scala on their knees to obtain the plenary indulgence of sins. The pride of Campli is its great culinary tradition that animates parties and festivals organized throughout the year in the area. An unmissable and nationally known festival is the Sagra della Porchetta, born in 1964, it is still the most loved and frequented by lovers of this delicacy.


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