The ancient villages
Tortoreto – Corropoli – Torano Nuovo – Sant’Omero
Auto: 36 minutes
Moto: 36 minutes
Bike: 1 hour and 30 minutes

28 km route – Recommended duration: 1 day

For lovers of places rich in history, a visit to the villages of Corropoli, Torano Nuovo and Sant'Omero is a must. Just ten minutes away from Tortoreto, we find the ancient village of Corropoli, where a Neolithic settlement (known as the Neolithic village of Ripoli) and numerous remains of Roman villas and temples are kept in a perfectly visible manner. In this village you can walk in the beautiful park located in Piazza Unità d'Italia, characterized by rows of lush palm trees and the Church of the Holy Spirit. This church, clad in travertine stone, was built in 1997 and blessed by Pope John Paul II and is flanked by the Bell Tower. In the municipal garden adjacent to the oldest square in the historic center, Piazza Piè di Corte, we find two monuments of great interest, the Monument of the Fallen and Missing in War, which represents Italy's victory in the First World War and the defeat in the Second , and the Emigrant Monument, symbol of departure and the search for fortune. Finally, very interesting for those who love history and legends, is the Abbey of Santa Maria di Mejuland, built by the Benedictine friars, over the ruins of ancient remains of a pagan temple dedicated in honor of the Goddess Flora.

Just under ten minutes from Corropoli we find Torano Nuovo, a small town in the province of Teramo immersed in the green hills. From here it is possible to undertake excursions with expert guides, who will take you to discover the area and its most peculiar characteristics. The streets of the center of Torano Nuovo represent the historicity of this place, with its ancient buildings and religious architecture, which preserve the true essence of this territory. One of the most fascinating churches from an architectural point of view is the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie, whose facade dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century, while the interior furnishings date back mainly to the eighteenth century. Next to this Church we find the Museum of Sacred Art which houses relics which, from 1400 to today, have been part of the life of the small Torano community, such as works of art, sacred furnishings of the churches and objects of great historical and artistic interest. Finally, passing through the Provincial Road 8°/SP8a and SP8 you reach Sant'Omero, a small village, rich in medieval history. A testimony of its ancient splendor are the traces of the walls that surrounded the town in 1400. The historic center is very characteristic, inside it stands out the Medieval Tower and the Church of the Misericordia, built in 1300 on the occasion of the terrible plague that struck the whole of Italy.

Nel borgo di Sant’Omero è possibile visitare la Meraviglia D’Abruzzo, cioè la Chiesa più antica del territorio e risalente all’epoca romana. Da vedere è anche la Chiesa di Santa Maria a Vico, uno dei monumenti più integri d’Abruzzo risalente al tardo medioevo. Molto caratteristica è la Via delle Pinciare, un itinerario suggestivo che vi porterà alla scoperta delle tipiche ed antiche case di terra chiamate appunto Pinciare o in dialetto “Pingiare”, costruite fino agli inizi degli anni Sessanta e immerse nel verde delle rigogliose campagne di Sant’Omero.


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